Sunday, March 25, 2007

Baby's First Blog!

Yeah, I'm not counting the myspace blog. That's not really a blog, is it?
So I'm totally inspired by my dear friend who is in law school. She's in freakin' law school and she manages to keep a blog. What did I do today? I sat on the couch and watched a marathon of Cops.
It could be said that there are too many blogs out there. And what do I have to contribute to the blog-iverse?
Well, I think I have plenty.
For one thing, I like donuts. (or doughnuts?)
I watch a lot of TV.
I think the current administration is an absolute travesty. Oh, complete sidebar, but I was reading Time magazine today and, well, first of all, the cover story is all about how the bible should be taught in public school. Hello?!?
But, there was a letter from some fellow somewhere in the country about how the whole Scooter Libby scandal had been blown out of proportion by the (liberal, natch) media and how it was/is just a minor blip on the radar and in no way compares to the scandals of the Clinton administration.
Really? There are people STILL bringing up the "Clinton scandals". Hello everyone, welcome to 2007. Bill Clinton was elected president 15 years ago!!!!! Let it go. I bet they're still calling him Slick Willie. Jesus Christ.
(deep breath...step down from the soapbox)
Well, there's my "web log". Or "blog" as the kids call it.
I'll keep the dream alive and come back soon.